Founded on a Promise
Devoted to Helping Others
St. Jude House is a family violence prevention center in Crown Point, Indiana, providing services, support and domestic violence help since 1995. The completion and opening of St. Jude House represent a realization of a dream and the expansion of a mission by its benefactors and the local community’s support for the project.
For Crown Point businessman, Donald J. Burrell, the dream began with a vision and the help he sought from the patron saint of those in need – St. Jude. Our community completes the promise he made many years ago that if St. Jude helped him in his business venture, Mr. Burrell would do something to honor St. Jude. That promise was kept with the founding of St. Jude House.
Funding for the construction of St. Jude House was made possible by generous grants from Mr. Burrell and the Franciscan Sisters of Chicago, whose long ministry in Northwest Indiana includes caring for the sick, elderly, young and physically challenged. With the support of the Franciscan Sisters of Chicago, St. Jude House expands the Sisters’ mission, extending more than a century from the founding of the order by Mother Mary Theresa Dudzik in 1894.
Today, the community serves over 650 clients and children a year and provides a full component of services, including housing, food, toiletries, counseling for adults and children, case management, legal advocacy and educational programming.

Supporting Survivors of Domestic Violence
Residential & Non-Residential Help
St. Jude House provides residential and non-residential services to survivors – adults and children – of domestic violence. We provide services without regard to race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, disability or other status applicable by law. Shelter and crisis intervention services are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. All services are provided free of charge.
St. Jude House was the first shelter in the State of Indiana to publish its address, knowing that those impacted by domestic violence are more likely to access a community’s services if the community is visible. The Franciscan Sisters of Chicago felt that hiding our location increased the likelihood that domestic violence would remain a hidden problem.
Domestic violence is not something to hide or be ashamed of, and breaking the cycle of domestic violence starts with taking action. Our mission at St. Jude House is to Celebrate Life and Serve with Joy, leading with our principle values.

Our vision for St. Jude House is to be a catalyst and resource for prevention, education and awareness of domestic violence in all its forms. St. Jude House will provide transformational, compassionate and comprehensive programs and services to those whose lives have been impacted by abuse of any kind.